
“Shiiku × Kanojo”, based on the visual novel of the same name, is about the saleswoman Natsuki Oominato. One evening, after her shift at a supermarket, she is on her way home. Her boss had allowed her to take some Bentos with her, as they would have to be disposed of the next day anyway. With food for the next three days, but without her boyfriend Shibata, she is still in a pretty good mood. However, this doesn’t last long because, a short time later, someone hits her from behind with a baseball bat. When she wakes up again, she discovers that she is the prisoner of Souji Wakasa – and unfortunately, he is not only “just a little bit crazy”, but completely insane …!



  • Shiiku x Kanojo Tenshi no Kousoku-hen - 1 - Screenshot 1
  • Shiiku x Kanojo Tenshi no Kousoku-hen - 1 - Screenshot 2
  • Shiiku x Kanojo Tenshi no Kousoku-hen - 1 - Screenshot 3
  • Shiiku x Kanojo Tenshi no Kousoku-hen - 1 - Screenshot 4
  • Shiiku x Kanojo Tenshi no Kousoku-hen - 1 - Screenshot 5

Latest Comments

ichigo Avatar
ichigo - 1 week ago
this is my first rodeo with this hentai i will be a changed person

tomnySB Avatar
tomnySB - 2 weeks ago
Venus Blood Brave

aldair GQ Avatar
aldair GQ - 2 weeks ago

clancy Avatar
clancy - 2 weeks ago
Am i cooked mentally? Because i didn't even flinched for a second, i have seen worst.

Wyn Avatar
Wyn - 2 weeks ago
Did you only watch the first episode? I think the warnings were more aimed at the later episodes, just from looking at the screenshots I can see him beating the hell out of her and fisting her until she bleeds before having sex with her, she seems to be bleeding from downstairs in most of the screenshots, theres plenty of deviants at hanime and even they weren't trying to put a positive spin on this series, some were saying they couldn't eat eggs again after watching it so I'm guessing it ramps up pretty fast as the episodes go.

clancy Avatar
clancy - 2 weeks ago
I watched all of them, and still i didn't even flinched. I watched euphoria when i was 14, im cooked. P.s: i don't take pleasure when someone get hurt or anything, i just look at screen and say to myself; neh i have seen wrost. The world is getting soft in this days if you ask me or im crazy... Im crazy?

tromboneb60 Avatar
tromboneb60 - 1 week ago
Dude you’re crazy or trying to be edgy. I’ve seen worse but that doesn’t mean anything less has no effect. The world has not gotten soft. You’re the outlier. The normal reaction to seeing shit cooked into eggs is disgust. Even if you’ve seen a waterfall of blood come out of someone’s ass and they drink it, shit eggs is still gross. I really hope you’re just trying to be edgy. It’s not cool or impressive to say this stuff illicites no reaction from you at all. It’s concerning and means maybe you should stop watching porn cause your view of the world has been warped if you think people are soft for having a reaction to fisting till she bleeds and fucking her. Like my guy…most people that have seen euphoria aren’t trying to pretend like they fought in the Vietnam war and have seen stuff. You watch hentai and are calling people soft. Take a step back.

clancy Avatar
clancy - 1 week ago
therapy cost money but you did it for free. Fair Point, i don't want to pretend im edgy or cool because that's GAY, saying i have seen worst or this hentai didn't effect me, that's makes me a weirdo not a cool person or a edgy one!(Im cooked mentally and i don't watch porn too much bro i have a life to attend) and if someone say this hentai is disgusting i don't call them soft or whatever because it's totally normal, i had the same expression when i saw euphoria for the first time so it's normal but getting used to it? That's a little concerning. Im not calling people soft because people watch this hentai and say it's disgusting it's makes them normal. lol vetnam war cough me ungourd by the way💀 My point about the world is getting soft i was pointing at game and movie industry's, Japan's society is cooked for sure. And thank you for your reply by the way, at least you cared a little and that's makes you human. lol we got Philosophical discussion on a hentai site before GTA6.

Purple Avatar
Purple - 1 week ago
bro you got this 👑

Divine Avatar
Divine - 2 weeks ago
Don't watch it, you will regret it....

Wyn Avatar
Wyn - 2 weeks ago
After seeing those tags and the description I went to check the hanime comments section before trying it, the top comments are all saying 'do not watch' and they have hundreds of upvotes, so make sure you have a strong stomach if diving in here cause the wholesome looking cover images are way off.

clancy Avatar
clancy - 2 weeks ago
Don't judge a book by its cover, they said.💀

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