Shiiku x Kanojo Tenshi no Kousoku-hen

Shiiku x Kanojo Tenshi no Kousoku-hen (飼育×彼女 天使の拘束編)


“Shiiku × Kanojo”, based on the visual novel of the same name, is about the saleswoman Natsuki Oominato. One evening, after her shift at a supermarket, she is on her way home. Her boss had allowed her to take some Bentos with her, as they would have to be disposed of the next day anyway. With food for the next three days, but without her boyfriend Shibata, she is still in a pretty good mood. However, this doesn’t last long because, a short time later, someone hits her from behind with a baseball bat. When she wakes up again, she discovers that she is the prisoner of Souji Wakasa – and unfortunately, he is not only “just a little bit crazy”, but completely insane …!

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