
This anime focuses on Kazama Mana, the main character of Yakin Byoto 2. She is an intern works for a sanatorium as an intern nurse. Mana looks up to Nightingale, and she want to be an angel in white like her. But, Mizukawa Wataru, the patient whose days are numbered, says to her that there’s no angel and begins to make her a sex game.



  • Kazama Mana - 1 - Screenshot 1
  • Kazama Mana - 1 - Screenshot 2
  • Kazama Mana - 1 - Screenshot 3
  • Kazama Mana - 1 - Screenshot 4
  • Kazama Mana - 1 - Screenshot 5

Latest Comments

Joker Avatar
Joker - 1 week ago
Bro please upload Dark love

Maeth81 Avatar
Maeth81 - 1 week ago
It is on this site as Kuro Ai Hitoyozumakan Inkou Rannyuuroku

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