
Haramaseya revolves around Terada Akito, a man with “super sperm” capable of impregnating any woman. Akito is hired by a sperm bank to impregnate its clients, with the first being Kumi Iijima, a woman unable to conceive due to her husband’s azoospermia.



  • Haramaseya The Animation - 1 - Screenshot 1
  • Haramaseya The Animation - 1 - Screenshot 2
  • Haramaseya The Animation - 1 - Screenshot 3
  • Haramaseya The Animation - 1 - Screenshot 4
  • Haramaseya The Animation - 1 - Screenshot 5

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Deleted User - 4 weeks ago
In the first scene after the guy came, it sounds like shes crying...

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